Hello there!

The goal here is to learn how to write and how properly use this platform, that feels so complex and mysterious to me. I like to think that I’m good at studying, so here we go!

I’ve created this blog a year ago because I love to write and I wanted to share aspects of my life with others.

Most of the times I need a piece of information, I look on Google and find my answer there; I’m not good at asking other people (at all). So every time I don’t find an answer I tell myself that I should write about it…here I am, learning how to use the platform and how to write better. As you can notice, I’m not a writer yet, but I have decided to at least try before giving up. I tend to be a perfectionist and a master procrastinator, so the goal for this blog is to just post things as they are without polishing or thinking too much about the form.

Just writing this sentence makes me cringe, because I’m genuinely obsessed by having a good form. Oh well, we gotta start from somewhere right? While I write this blog post, the platform kindly lets me know that the SEO analysis has a sad face, which I guess means the quality is fairly low. I still don’t know much about this, and I intend to learn, however I’ve decided that I want to start writing anyway because the thought of it has be daunting me for almost two years. It’s like I want to do it, but I also want it to be perfect so I keep procrastinating all the background study and do nothing, just writing blog posts in my head while I do things or shower.

So now I’ve started! It may be pretty bad, but at least today, for the first time since creating this website I’ve finally sat down to write and post something! Yeee! I’m somewhat proud of me and some what ashamed by the time it took and the very bad quality of the result. Oh well, I need to get out of my comfort zone for sure and act instead of just keep contemplating things in my head.

If someone is really reading this, thank you! =)